Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lets get it started ! FINALLY !

Yes, I convinced myself to start writing blogs in 2009. Its 2011 now.. Each time i land on my page, I delete the previously written content and write something new.. Hoping it would be better than the last.. Hoping, this won't be another one of my failed attempts to blog regularly!..
What's the need to blog... Well, I seriously don't know..
To be frank, when I heard about this blogging mania from some of my friends, the mere idea of it enticed me.. what I wrote on tattered pages of my notebooks could be written on neat web pages..I could own a web page that would be entirely mine! ..
I suddenly started paying attention to places where google transported me when I wrote a keyword..These places were no more sacrosanct web portals constructed by a team of web developers, involving a lot of underlying research , meant to run e-businesses..
Instead, google took me on strides to breezy web pages with crisp content written by some random blogger.... random but inspiring..
As a kid, I had heard elders saying 'every Tom, Dick and harry cannot write'..However, to my surprise i found that Every Tom, Dick ,Harry, Ramu , Shyamu or for that matter of fact Betty, Sally, Rina, Mina could blog! .. and could blog really well , so as to inspire you to keep reading on..
Obviously, I thought why not add my name to this endless list as well, assuming it would be fairly easy..
Was ignorant of the fact that many have come and died in this battleground where you are the lone fighter.. A newbie starts with all the accumulated enthu and passion he has for writing.. He keeps checking in once (twice or thrice) in a while to see if there are any "comments".. Even if the digit "0" before the word comments appears, he does not give up.. he writes again.. and again.. and well again.. Sometimes a comment or two motivate him to write again.. but then more often than not all this eventually die... For facebook addicts, this is a common phenomenon.. they are so accustomed to the "likes" and numerous "comments" on a one line status update .. that it seems stupid to them to write a 400 words blog which may afterall go unoticed..
For the senior bloggers however, who have been here for quite a few years.. nothing can replace blogging.. 5 genuine comments for them are better than 50 fb likes..
Coming back to MY blogging story, whenever I decided upon writing something, I would tend to read something.. It was beyond my control.. I would land upon the page of some seasoned blogger or writer and would be awed by their craftmanship..
How on earth could I write the way they did! .. I have had a way with words when it comes to writing poems.. but writing blogs seemed way beyond my league! It still does seem so..
Amidst all this i chanced upon the word "monetize".. Well now you are talking, I mummbled to myself ;)
With the meagre money that I have in my wallet each time I open it, this word was bound to draw my attention..
However, this hope was short lived too.. It would take years for me to build a blog as good to make money out of it, said that ever demeaning voice.. Another reason to blog, gone with the wind..
Finally I dropped the idea of blogging.. who wants to be a blogger i thought to myself!.. I am happy with my facebook notes..

Two years, i did not think about blogging.. but now, something again nudges me to write .. to rejuvenate my dead blog.. and this time, I am not looking for a reason to write...
I am going to write, just for the love of it..just the way i did right now..
Isn't that a reason enough.. :) !

1 comment:

  1. hi
    just chanced upon this blog
    y u stopped blogging?
    write soon
